
Andrea [신영, 新泳, xinyoung] is an experimental media artist and PhD candidate currently researching and writing in the greater Los Angeles area.

Andrea Kim, M.S. is a writer, director, and PhD Candidate in Media Arts + Practice. Trained in documentary filmmaking, feminist philosophy, and cultural theory, Kim follows traditions of experimentation with emerging technologies using critical and performative methods. They have written on virtual embodiment, medical objectivity, and XR arts praxis, with current interests in the materialist history of computer graphics and contemporary virtual production (XR/GenAI) at the School for Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California (USC). In their arts-research practice, Kim writes via the pseudonym, somuhwa, as an exploration of virtual identity, generative folklore, and transmedia worldmaking. Kim is an alumni of the MIT Comparative Media Studies Program, MIT Open Documentary Lab and Co-Creation Studio, Duke Center for Documentary Studies, and Duke Literature Program, has served on selection committees for the Fulbright Association (Visiting Scholars Program) and Peabody Awards (Interactive Media Section). They have also worked previously with CultureHub Los Angeles, MIT Transmedia Storytelling Initiative, LaMama Experimental Theater, U.S. Embassy in Rabat, and the Seoul Institute of the Arts.

andreask [at] usc [dot] edu

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